Supply Chain


Mitsui Kinzoku Group recognize that our corporate actions have effects on the supply chain broadly, as our business expand globally. Therefore, we have established procurement policies to have taken the social responsibility for not only compliance, but also human rights, labor, safety, ethics, and environment. Based on procurement policies, we are strive to promote sustainability.

Basic Procurement Policy

Mitsui Kinzoku Group operates sustainable supply chain that are in accordance with its Code of Conduct so as to “contribute to society by providing valuable products” as defined in the Management Philosophy. Through fulfilling our supply chain responsibility based on mutual understanding and trust with suppliers, we work to achieve mutual development and growth with suppliers.

  1. We comply with laws, regulations, social norms, and the corporate code of ethics in procurement.
  2. We require suppliers’ sound business operating bases, improvement of technical competence, excellent quality, price competitiveness, and stable supply, as well as promote supply chain responsibility in the fields of human rights and labor practices, health and safety, ethics, and the environment. We are not complicit directly or indirectly in human rights abuses, including child labor and forced labor. We conduct procurement based on transparent and fair competition and work against corruption in all its forms.
  3. In selecting suppliers, we make a comprehensive assessment to ensure supply chain responsibility in the fields of human rights and labor practices, health and safety, ethics, and the environment. In actual transactions, we, in cooperation with suppliers, work on responsible procurement in these fields. In deciding whether to continue business relationships, we place priority on supply chain responsibility.
